2017-08-01 18:30:24 +02:00

239 lines
12 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2015-2017 Carl Chenet <carl.chenet@ohmytux.com>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
# Get values of the configuration file
'''Get values of the configuration file'''
# standard library imports
from configparser import SafeConfigParser
import logging
import os
import os.path
import sys
import re
# 3rd party library imports
import feedparser
# feed2toot library imports
from feed2toot.confparsers.hashtaglist import parsehashtaglist
from feed2toot.confparsers.plugins import parseplugins
class ConfParse:
'''ConfParse class'''
def __init__(self, clioptions):
'''Constructor of the ConfParse class'''
self.clioptions = clioptions
self.tweetformat = ''
self.stringsep = ','
self.confs = []
def main(self):
'''Main of the ConfParse class'''
for pathtoconfig in self.clioptions.configs:
options = {}
# read the configuration file
config = SafeConfigParser()
if not config.read(os.path.expanduser(pathtoconfig)):
sys.exit('Could not read config file')
# The feedparser section
if config.has_option('feedparser', 'accept_bozo_exceptions'):
self.accept_bozo_exceptions = config.getboolean('feedparser', 'accept_bozo_exceptions')
self.accept_bozo_exceptions = False
# the rss section
section = 'rss'
if config.has_section(section):
# tweet option
oldconfoption = 'tweet'
confoption = 'toot'
# manage 'tweet' for compatibility reason with first versions
if config.has_option(section, oldconfoption):
logging.warn("Your configuration file uses a 'tweet' parameter instead of 'toot'. 'tweet' is deprecated and will be removed in Feed2toot 0.7")
self.tweetformat = config.get(section, oldconfoption)
elif config.has_option(section, confoption):
self.tweetformat = config.get(section, confoption)
sys.exit('You should define a format for your tweet with the parameter "{confoption}" in the [{section}] section'.format(confoption=confoption, section=section))
# pattern format option
options['patterns'] = {}
options['patternscasesensitive'] = {}
for pattern in ['summary_detail', 'published_parsed', 'guidislink', 'authors', 'links', 'title_detail', 'author', 'author_detail', 'comments', 'published', 'summary', 'tags', 'title', 'link', 'id']:
currentoption = '{}_pattern'.format(pattern)
if config.has_option(section, currentoption):
tmppattern = config.get(section, currentoption)
if self.stringsep in tmppattern:
options['patterns'][currentoption] = [i for i in tmppattern.split(self.stringsep) if i]
options['patterns'][currentoption] = [tmppattern]
# pattern_case_sensitive option
currentoption = '{}_pattern_case_sensitive'.format(pattern)
if config.has_option(section, currentoption):
options['patternscasesensitive'][currentoption] = config.getboolean(section, currentoption)
except ValueError as err:
options['patternscasesensitive'][currentoption] = True
bozoexception = False
feeds = []
patterns = []
# uri_list option
currentoption = 'uri_list'
if config.has_option(section, currentoption):
rssfile = config.get(section, currentoption)
rssfile = os.path.expanduser(rssfile)
if not os.path.exists(rssfile) or not os.path.isfile(rssfile):
sys.exit('The path to the uri_list parameter is not valid: {rssfile}'.format(rssfile=rssfile))
rsslist = open(rssfile, 'r').readlines()
for line in rsslist:
line = line.strip()
# split each line in two parts, rss link and a string with the different patterns to look for
feedname = ''
if '<' in line:
matches = re.match('(.*) <(.*)>', line)
if not matches:
sys.exit('This line in the list of uri to parse is not formatted correctly: {line}'.format(line))
feedname, line = matches.groups()
confobjects = line.split('|')
if len(confobjects) > 3 or len(confobjects) == 2:
sys.exit('This line in the list of uri to parse is not formatted correctly: {line}'.format(line))
if len(confobjects) == 3:
rss, rssobject, patternstring = line.split('|')
if len(confobjects) == 1:
rss = confobjects[0]
rssobject = ''
patternstring = ''
# split different searched patterns
patterns = [i for i in patternstring.split(self.stringsep) if i]
# retrieve the content of the rss
feed = feedparser.parse(rss)
if 'bozo_exception' in feed:
bozoexception = True
if not self.accept_bozo_exceptions:
# check if the rss feed and the rss entry are valid ones
if 'entries' in feed:
if rssobject and rssobject not in feed['entries'][0].keys():
sys.exit('The rss object {rssobject} could not be found in the feed {rss}'.format(rssobject=rssobject, rss=rss))
sys.exit('The rss feed {rss} does not seem to be valid'.format(rss=rss))
feeds.append({'feed': feed, 'patterns': patterns, 'rssobject': rssobject, 'feedname': feedname})
# test if all feeds in the list were unsuccessfully retrieved and if so, leave
if not feeds and bozoexception:
sys.exit('No feed could be retrieved. Leaving.')
# uri option
if not feeds and not self.clioptions.rss_uri:
confoption = 'uri'
if config.has_option(section, confoption):
urifeed = config.get('rss', 'uri')
feedname = None
if '<' in urifeed:
matches = re.match('(.*) <(.*)>', urifeed)
if not matches:
sys.exit('This uri to parse is not formatted correctly: {urifeed}'.format(urifeed))
feedname, finaluri = matches.groups()
options['rss_uri'] = finaluri
options['rss_uri'] = config.get('rss', 'uri')
sys.exit('{confoption} parameter in the [{section}] section of the configuration file is mandatory. Exiting.'.format(section=section, confoption=confoption))
options['rss_uri'] = self.clioptions.rss_uri
# get the rss feed for rss parameter of [rss] section
feed = feedparser.parse(options['rss_uri'])
if not feed:
sys.exit('Unable to parse the feed at the following url: {rss}'.format(rss=rss))
# no_uri_pattern_no_global_pattern option
currentoption = 'no_uri_pattern_no_global_pattern'
# default value
options['nopatternurinoglobalpattern'] = False
if config.has_option(section, currentoption):
options['nopatternurinoglobalpattern'] = config.getboolean(section, currentoption)
# the cache section
section = 'cache'
if not self.clioptions.cachefile:
# cachefile option
confoption = 'cachefile'
if config.has_section(section):
options['cachefile'] = config.get(section, confoption)
sys.exit('You should provide a {confoption} parameter in the [{section}] section'.format(section=section, confoption=confoption))
options['cachefile'] = os.path.expanduser(options['cachefile'])
cachefileparent = os.path.dirname(options['cachefile'])
if cachefileparent and not os.path.exists(cachefileparent):
sys.exit('The parent directory of the cache file does not exist: {cachefileparent}'.format(cachefileparent=cachefileparent))
options['cachefile'] = self.clioptions.cachefile
# cache limit
if config.has_section(section):
confoption = 'cache_limit'
if config.has_option(section, confoption):
options['cache_limit'] = int(config.get(section, confoption))
except ValueError as err:
sys.exit('Error in configuration with the {confoption} parameter in [{section}]: {err}'.format(confoption=confoption, section=section, err=err))
options['cache_limit'] = 100
options['cache_limit'] = 100
# the hashtag section
options['hashtaglist'] = parsehashtaglist(self.clioptions.hashtaglist, config)
# the plugins section
plugins = parseplugins(config)
# return the final configurations values
if feeds:
self.confs.append((options, config, self.tweetformat, feeds, plugins))
self.confs.append((options, config, self.tweetformat, [{'feed': feed, 'patterns': [], 'rssobject': '', 'feedname': feedname}], plugins))
def confvalues(self):
'''Return the values of the different configuration files'''
return self.confs